Our Buyer Services


We all agree, buying a home is no small matter. Besides it being one of the most complex transactions it is usually the largest financial transaction you will undertake. That is the reason you want to work with us, a qualified Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR®) designated, representing best-in-class buyer services.

We will serve you, NOT sell you. Your interests become our interest. You will work with one of us that have gone the extra mile by completing special training to deliver you the best in buyer-representation services. As an ABR® designee we have established a track record and proven our experience in representing your concerns as a homebuyer.

The agent you choose when you work with us will be enthusiastic about working with you and will be familiar with the neighborhoods you are interested in. We will direct you to the best professionals in the industry, including inspectors, lawyers, mortgage representative or banks to help your purchase go smoothly.

You may buy real estate once, twice or several times in your lifetime, we help people buy property every day. We give you the attention you need when you need it. We have lived here for generations and know the area, let us serve you up a taste of the Hudson Valley.

Thinking of buying a home?

We can help! Use the form in the sidebar to contact us.