Fully permitted fuel storage and distribution facility. Building is 5,500 plus sq ft, has 4 fuel truck bays one of which has a 17 X 4 foot mechanics pit. It also has a rear bay to accommodate inside storage for a full size tanker truck. The fuel oil storage tank has a 30,000 gallon capacity with a 5000 gallon compartment for kerosene. Fuel trucks are filled underneath the canopy. There is a 19 X 33 shop and supply room, a 19 X 25 foot office and a bathroom on the first floor. The second floor has a 20 X 58 foot storage room. The 4 front doors are 12 X 12 feet and the rear door is 14 X 14 feet. In the garage area of the building the ceiling height is 20 feet. The heat source is oil with the combination of forced air blowers and baseboard. There is a two hundred amp electric service. This property is well worth the investment based on location, current permits and condition of the improvements. Building and location are suitable and ideal for other industries such as production, manufacturing, training center/school and much more.
More Info
Basic Information
Parcel Number 4000-037.018-0002-039.300-0000
Address3135 Route 28
Building Number3135
Mls Area Minor Olive
StreetRoute 28
Township Olive
ZoningCom 1
Tax Information
Tax Legal Description 39.30,2,3135 Route 28
Building Features Private Restroom(s), Storage, Doors Over 10 Ft